読み取り専用My account has been deactivated since March 2024 ( apparently it has been used for "deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity" per them). I have tried multiple times to appeal, with no success. All I Am told is- We don't have enough information to remove the violation at this time. Am in the same loop- inventory cannot be removed because account is deactivated, Amazon won't reactivate my account and keeps charging me storage fee. At this point, I have given up all hope and am ready to just let Amazon keep/dispose my inventory and stop all storage charges. Does anybody know how long will Amazon keep charging me these storage fee? Is there a stated policy on this- how long will I be charged? I Really wish Amazon could be more helpful and tell us what they need exactly, and which piece of information they don't have or have doubts about. Thanks,
Hello @Stevie_Amazon@Jim_Amazon
Would you be able to kindly help? Thanks,
Hello @Seller_Q8yTlVF1WL4A6
Thank you for the information provided regarding the recent issues you have encountered with the account. I understand our team has had concerns with the activity and taken action against the account, and now you are looking to remove the inventory to prevent any storage fees from occurring. While you can attempt an inventory removal request, if the account or inventory is impacted, you may not have this option. Would you be able to share the messaging or case details with us to further review?
We would also like to provide more information for the account impact that you are observing. What information have you attempted to provide as of now? If you have any additional information or updates regarding this, please provide the details to this thread so we may continue to provide guidance and support.