読み取り専用I have a review that has been sitting there for almost 6 months and I have requested a removal now 7 times.
ID 2931040493
The review was related entirely to the product delivery not the product itself.
5つ星のうち1.0 配送方法に問題あり。
AMAZON Policies are very clear
We are FBA and therefore have no responsibility for delivey.
I requested the removal per Amazon guideline but it is still there.
This review has affected my brand, my sales and my mental health.
I have emailed community-help@amazon.com, Reviews-help@amazon.com many times opened a ticket, but still no Answer.
What else should I do?
Please help
No help from anyone?
Hello @Seller_jvGFtM5waihtl- and thanks so much for surfacing this negative review here on the seller forums. We appreciate your patience as we try to get to all the threads we can!
I also appreciate you including a link to the review itself in the comments here. Upon review, it appears to be located in the Japan side of the Amazon marketplace, but you are posting in the US side of the forums.
If support is needed with this review, I would recommend posting in the Japan side of the seller forums so the team with the correct visibility will be able to assist.
You can change to the Japan forums by clicking in the flag dropdown in the top-right of the forums view, and clicking on the Japanese flag.
I hope this helps!