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My JP account was suspended due to being linked to a North American account.

by Seller_d5Wdu8Y5nWgSX

My JP account has been suspended after being associated with a North American account that was deleted from the panel and is not currently in the Amazon seller panel.

In order to reactivate my JP account, I am informed that the associated North American account must first be activated and the JP account must also be activated.

I cannot access my North American account because my North American account has been deleted from the Amazon seller panel and since I cannot access the account, how can I activate my JP account that has been suspended due to this association?

The reason my JP account has been suspended is because the North American account has been suspended, but I cannot access this North American account. It is not in the seller panel and I cannot access the accounts.

Please help me with this.

There is no North American account. It cannot be accessed and Amazon has deleted this account.

How do I proceed to activate the JP account? It is impossible to reach the North American account since it is not in the panel.

How should I proceed to activate my JP account?




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