読み取り専用My account has been deactivated due to an account linked to it, but I do not have any information about this account and I do not know what to do now. I have repeatedly contacted support and no appropriate solution to my problem has been suggested.
Copy and paste Amazon's email about this deactivation here. Otherwise nobody can give you an advice. In that emai you will also find the
Seller Support can't help you with this situation. It's up to you to know how the link occurred and explain to Amazon why it occurred. Here are some things to consider (credit to @Seller_kIukTwdhvntAp):
The account you're linked with should be stated in the email or performance notification you received from Amazon, so as previously suggested, post that email if you want advice.
In addition to the list that @Seller_LImVvUWeyiCfQ has shared (thanks, by the way!) this was released a while back with very little fanfare --
AMAZON STATEMENT (FINALLY) – read it carefully ---
Additional information courtesy of a post by @stevie_amazon on this thread -
“take the following into consideration as well:
• Have you ever shared your payment method with anyone who might have an account?
• Have you ever assisted anyone else with their account, whether it be operating the account or setting the account up?
• Have you used any service providers for things such as marketing, logistics, or fulfillment?
• Is there any information on your selling account that you do not recognize as yours?
Hello @Seller_k7pnObeDyDeFg- and thanks for looking for some support on this in the forums. The guidance offered by several of our veterans here on the forums is sound. Thank you @Seller_kIukTwdhvntAp, @Seller_LImVvUWeyiCfQ, and @Seller_rI7BZIczK8iAC.
I would emphasize the advice on reviewing this post from @Quincy_Amazonin great detail, along with watching this Seller University video on addressing a multiple account policy violation. From there, working with our teams through the 'Reinstate your account' workflow is the only path forward.
Thank you,