読み取り専用I have been selling on Amazon for awhile and I have had my account deactivated due to duplicate account which is in Japan. Earlier on I thought that all accounts merged and listed products in Japan and listed products and never sold an item, and they Amazon Japan sent me a notice stating that product inauthentic complaint. As I was still selling on my US and Canada platform I never addressed the issue, then all of a sudden all my accounts were shut down, but they left my Mexico store up and I continued to sell only in Mexico. So with that being said I submitted lots of POA letters, spoke with amazon reps, and also submitted new invoices from my supplier and I keep getting same response from the Amazon Japan team, stating we do not have enough information to reactivate my account. I have even wrote them as I received information from an Amazon rep stating to let them know that I wish to terminate the Japan account as all fees are paid and no outstanding balances due and still same response Please help as I would like to close my accounts.
" As I was still selling on my US and Canada platform I never addressed the issue,"
THAT was a huge error. When one account gets suspended it is nearly 100% likely that ALL other accounts will be suspended as well eventually.
"Amazon Japan sent me a notice stating that product inauthentic complaint."
You need to resolve the issue with Japan before you have any chance of being reactivated.
"I wish to terminate the Japan account as all fees are paid and no outstanding balances due and still same response "
It doesn't work that way. You can NOT close a suspended account. You need to fix the issue.
Find the suspension notice and POST THAT (the ENTIRE thing) but remove all personal information first.
Anyone answering will need to see what wording they used and what they are asking for.
If it is a Section 3 violation for dropshipping anyone responding needs to see the language to determine if it included the 'death sentence' wording.
Were there other issues such as IP violations, RA, OR, did you use a Virtual Assistant and they 'helped' you with paperwork and forged documents?
Hello @Seller_zfeXn9q7HsKvE,
Thank you reaching out to us through the Forums. I understand that dealing with Global accounts issues leading to account deactivation can be both frustrating and confusing. I can see you are concerned and I am hoping to be able to help.
I will try and provide some general guidance. For greater detail concerning your specific situation, please provide an ASIN, Case ID. With that information and the help from an internal team, I am able to research in greater detail.
When you have stores in different areas - such as North America and Japan, if one gets deactivated, it can deactivate the other stores. This is usually the norm. The solution is to correct the Japan account first and then reactivate your US and Canada Stores. Eventually, Mexico will be deactivated also if this is not corrected.
If you review the information from @Seller_kIukTwdhvntAp, his advice is correct. Thank you @Seller_kIukTwdhvntAp for supporting the Community.
In these situations, you must provide documents for All ASIN's involved. You will need to prove you purchased from the Brand itself, or an authorized distributor of the Brand. Even if you only meant to list in the US, you should still have those documents.
Please review: Responsible Sourcing documentation request requirements and Invoice requirements for appealing a policy violation
If for any reason you are unable to provide the verifiable documents, there may not be a path forward for you. I hope this is not the case.
I look forward to your response. Thank you for reaching out on the Forums.
i am having the exact issue right now, I woke up this morning thinking it was fraudulent but sure enough my account of strong sales for 10 years SUSPENDED all our FBA products on hold because I did not do Live Video Conference with Japan for an account I don’t remember signing up for and never sold on. They schedule an appointment to see the overlords next week and until you confirm your identity to Japan you can no longer sell in the US. I want to rip my hair out. Zero respect for sellers Amazon, Jesus is watching and you will be repaid for how you act.